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Interacting with the Cartesi Coprocessor

Interaction with the Coprocessor is handled through regular smart contract methods. You can use tools like Foundry’s cast, wallets, or frontend applications to send transactions.

Below is an example contract, CoprocessorAdapterSample, which demonstrates interaction with the Coprocessor:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.28;

import "../../src/CoprocessorAdapter.sol";

contract CoprocessorAdapterSample is CoprocessorAdapter {
constructor(address _coprocessorAddress, bytes32 _machineHash)
CoprocessorAdapter(_coprocessorAddress, _machineHash)

function handleNotice(bytes memory notice) internal override {
address destination;
bytes memory decodedPayload;

(destination, decodedPayload) = abi.decode(notice, (address, bytes));

bool success;
bytes memory returndata;

(success, returndata) =;

function runExecution(bytes calldata input) external {

Methods of Interaction

1. Using Foundry’s cast

You can interact with the smart contract using Foundry’s CLI tool cast:

Example: Calling runExecution

  1. Ensure you have the contract address, ABI, and RPC URL.
  2. Use the following cast command to invoke the runExecution function:
    cast send <contract_address> "runExecution(bytes)" <hex_encoded_input> \
    --rpc-url <your_rpc_url> \
    --private-key <your_private_key>
    • <contract_address> with your deployed contract’s address.
    • <hex_encoded_input> with the ABI-encoded input.
    • <your_rpc_url> with the RPC endpoint of the network.
    • <your_private_key> with the sender’s private key.

2. From a Frontend Application Using viem

You can use the viem library to interact with the contract from a frontend application.

Example: Calling runExecution with viem

import { createPublicClient, createWalletClient, http, parseAbi } from "viem";
import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts";

// Define the RPC URL and private key
const rpcUrl = "<your_rpc_url>";
const privateKey = "<your_private_key>";
const contractAddress = "<contract_address>";

// Define the ABI
const abi = parseAbi(["function runExecution(bytes input) external"]);

// Set up clients
const publicClient = createPublicClient({ transport: http(rpcUrl) });
const account = privateKeyToAccount(privateKey);
const walletClient = createWalletClient({ account, transport: http(rpcUrl) });

// Function to call `runExecution`
async function callRunExecution(input) {
const txHash = await walletClient.writeContract({
address: contractAddress,
functionName: "runExecution",
args: [input],

console.log("Transaction Hash:", txHash);

const receipt = await publicClient.waitForTransactionReceipt({
hash: txHash,
console.log("Transaction Confirmed:", receipt);

// Example Input
const input = "0x" + Buffer.from("your-input-data").toString("hex");


  • <your_rpc_url> with the network’s RPC URL.
  • <your_private_key> with the sender’s private key.
  • <contract_address> with the deployed contract’s address.
  • "your-input-data" with the appropriate input data.


  • Template Contract: Reference the full implementation of the CoprocessorAdapterSample.
  • Gas Costs: Interacting with runExecution incurs gas costs depending on the complexity of the operation.
  • Security: Ensure proper access controls are implemented for sensitive functions.