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Running on a Testnet

Testing your node locally with a testnet


This version of the integration with Avail supports only Sepolia (chainId: 11155111) as the testnet.

  • Register your dApp Address

To run on the testnet environment you will need a dApp address on the network. For this we prepared a web page where you can resgister an address for your dApp In the above link you can connect with your wallet and using you public key generate a dApp address that will be used in the command that follows.

  • Start brunodo using the command with the flag with the flag that enables integration with Avail;
brunodo --avail-enabled -d --contracts-input-box-block 6850934 --rpc-url --epoch-blocks 0 --contracts-application-address <dapp-address>

Running the Machine

  • In another terminal, create and build a new Cartesi dApp using the following command:

1. Python

cartesi create my-dapp --template python
cd my-dapp
cartesi build
  • Run the Cartesi Machine Locally on bare metal using the command;
cartesi-machine --network --flash-drive=label:root,filename:.cartesi/image.ext2 \
--volume=.:/mnt --env=ROLLUP_HTTP_SERVER_URL= --workdir=/mnt -- python

2. Rust

cartesi create my-dapp --template rust
cd my-dapp
cartesi build
  • Run the Cartesi Machine Locally on bare metal using the command;
cartesi-machine --network --flash-drive=label:root,filename:.cartesi/image.ext2 --env=ROLLUP_HTTP_SERVER_URL= -- /opt/cartesi/dapp/dapp

3. Golang

cartesi create my-dapp --template go
cd my-dapp
cartesi build
  • Run the Cartesi Machine Locally on bare metal using the command;
cartesi-machine --network --flash-drive=label:root,filename:.cartesi/image.ext2 --env=ROLLUP_HTTP_SERVER_URL= -- /opt/cartesi/dapp/dapp

4. Javascript

cartesi create my-dapp --template javascript
cd my-dapp
cartesi build
  • Run the Cartesi Machine Locally on bare metal using the command;
cartesi-machine --network --flash-drive=label:root,filename:.cartesi/image.ext2 \
--volume=.:/mnt --env=ROLLUP_HTTP_SERVER_URL= --workdir=/opt/cartesi/dapp -- node index