Running on a Testnet
To run Nonodo with a full testnet setup, we must provide:
- The URL of a gateway RPC on Sepolia
- The application’s deployment address on Sepolia
- The URL for accessing Espresso’s testnet
- The Espresso block number from which to start looking for inputs; if absent, Nonodo will start looking at Espresso block 0; in practice, it is often a good idea to query Espresso’s current block height when deploying your application, and use that to appropriately specify this initial block number.
Espresso’s testnet (called “Decaf”) only posts commitments to Sepolia, so you should not deploy your application to other testnets such as Optimism Sepolia or Arbitrum Sepolia.
Register your dApp Address
To run on the testnet environment you will need a dApp address on the network. For this we prepared a web page where you can resgister an address for your dApp In the above link you can connect with your wallet and using you public key generate a dApp address that will be used in the command that follows.
Start brunodo using the command with the flag with the flag that enables integration with Espresso;
brunodo \
--rpc-url \
--contracts-application-address <dapp> \
--sequencer espresso \
--espresso-url \
--from-block <blocknumber>
Running the Machine
- In another terminal, create and build a new Cartesi dApp using the following command:
1. Python
cartesi create my-dapp --template python
cd my-dapp
cartesi build
- Run the Cartesi Machine Locally on bare metal using the command;
cartesi-machine --network --flash-drive=label:root,filename:.cartesi/image.ext2 \
--volume=.:/mnt --env=ROLLUP_HTTP_SERVER_URL= --workdir=/mnt -- python
2. Rust
cartesi create my-dapp --template rust
cd my-dapp
cartesi build
- Run the Cartesi Machine Locally on bare metal using the command;
cartesi-machine --network --flash-drive=label:root,filename:.cartesi/image.ext2 --env=ROLLUP_HTTP_SERVER_URL= -- /opt/cartesi/dapp/dapp
3. Golang
cartesi create my-dapp --template go
cd my-dapp
cartesi build
- Run the Cartesi Machine Locally on bare metal using the command;
cartesi-machine --network --flash-drive=label:root,filename:.cartesi/image.ext2 --env=ROLLUP_HTTP_SERVER_URL= -- /opt/cartesi/dapp/dapp
4. Javascript
cartesi create my-dapp --template javascript
cd my-dapp
cartesi build
- Run the Cartesi Machine Locally on bare metal using the command;
cartesi-machine --network --flash-drive=label:root,filename:.cartesi/image.ext2 \
--volume=.:/mnt --env=ROLLUP_HTTP_SERVER_URL= --workdir=/opt/cartesi/dapp -- node index